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20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) The U2761A is a 20MHz function generator that offers 10 standard waveforms plus pulse and arbitrary waveforms generation capabilities. It uses the common non-proprietary standard high-speed USB 2.0 interface that provides ease of... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Fast, simple and preciseStep-through menu linesSpecial function selectionWide choice of standard waveformsWide choice of modulation modesVersatile burst and sweep modesArbitrary WaveformsOptional GPIB/IEEE-488.2 or RS-232... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Fast, simple and preciseStep-through menu linesSpecial function selectionWide choice of standard waveformsWide choice of modulation modesVersatile burst and sweep modesArbitrary WaveformsOptional GPIB/IEEE-488.2 or RS-232... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Fast, simple and preciseStep-through menu linesSpecial function selectionWide choice of standard waveformsWide choice of modulation modesVersatile burst and sweep modesArbitrary WaveformsOptional GPIB/IEEE-488.2 or RS-232... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Sync output Maximum output amplitude: 16Vp-p (at 50 ohm load), 32Vp-p (at the open end) Big LCD screen with back-lighting Variable delay in TRIG, GATE Full remote control via GP-IB interface High-quality output waveforms Variable... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) The B8000FD Series of function generators consist of four models with frequency ranges from 1 µHz to 3 MHz (B8003FD), 10MHz (B8010FD), 20 MHz (B8020FD), 40MHz (B8040FD). Built with highly stable and reliable Direct Digital Synthesis... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Sweep Function Generator and Frequency Counter Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, Skewed Sine and TTL Square Waveforms 0.2Hz to 20MHz Frequency Output (Sine wave) Built-in 8 digit 3.0GHz Frequency Counter... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Available waveforms include sine, square, triangle, pulse, and ramp with 10 ns rise/fall time. Features 10 to 90% variable symmetry in 1% steps. Provides trigger, gate, counted burst, AM, FM, and VCF modes. Easy to use via the front... |

20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.) Waveforms: programmable sine, triangle, square, ramp and DC Frequency 20 Hz to 20 MHz synthesized, 1 mHz to 20 MHz nonsynthesized, 1 mHz to 1 MHz 600 ohms or balanced Resolution: 4 digits Amplitude (50 ohms into 50 ohms) Range: 1 mV... |
