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TDS520B - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS520B - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
The Tektronix TDS520B  digitizing oscilloscope 500 MHz bandwidth  2 channels  Max. Sampling rate (1 ch)  - 1 GSa/s  Simultaneous Max.sampling rate/ch - 500 MSa/s Max.record length - 50000 pt/sec...

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TDS520D - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS520D - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
The TDS 500D/700D oscilloscopes are the first in the TDS family of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPOs) designed to keep pace with current and evolving needs in advanced electronic design and debug. DPOs deliver a new level of insight that...

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TDS524A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS524A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
Time Bases: Main, Delayed. Time Base Range: 500 ps to 10 s/div.Vertical Resolution: 8 bits (256 levels over 10.24 vertical divisions). >12 bits with HiRes ; >11 bits with averaging HiRes: Vertical resolution improvement and noise...

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TDS620 - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS620 - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
Bandwidth 500 MHz Number of Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch 2 GSa/s One ch. only max. sampling rate 2 GSa/s Max. Single Shot bandwidth 2 GHz Max. Record Length 2000 pt/sec Min. Vertical...

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TDS620A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS620A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
Bandwidth 500 MHz Number of Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch 2 GSa/s One ch. only max. sampling rate 2 GSa/s Max. Record Length 2000 pt/sec Min. Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV/div Maximum Vertical...

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TDS620B - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS620B - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
500 MHz Bandwidth 2.5 GS/s Sample Rates • 4 Channels • 8-Bit Vertical Resolution • Greater than 11-Bits with Averaging • Record Length to 15,000 Points • 1 mV/div to 10 V/div Sensitivity • 1.5% Vertical...

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TDS724A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS724A - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
  SpecificationsBandwidth500.0MHz Channels2 Sample Rate500.00MSa/sec More DetailsDigital Oscilloscope

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TDS724C - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS724C - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
Bandwidth 500 MHz Number of Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Channels 2 ch Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate /ch  500 MSa/s One ch. only max. sampling rate 2 GSa/s Max. Record Length 50000 pt/sec Min. Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV/div...

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TDS724D - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

TDS724D - Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
Tektronix TDS724D 500MHz 2CH 2GSa/s Oscilloscope The TDS 500D/700D oscilloscopes are the first in the TDS family of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPOs) designed to keep pace with current and evolving needs in advanced electronic design and...

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WaveJet 352 - LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes

WaveJet 352 - LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes

500.0MHz (Bandwidth)
The WaveJet 300 Series features unmatched performance and debugging tools not usually found in low bandwidth portable oscilloscopes. Engineers can simplify and shorten their debugging process with the Replay feature and long capture time not...

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