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100.0MHz (Bandwidth) The 16531A digitizing oscilloscope card provides an Oscilloscope-on-a-Card capability to your Logic Analyzer when used with the 16530A time base card (sold separately). Bandwidth of 100 MHz and sample rate of 400 MSa/s. Has 2 channels per... |

100 MHz (Bandwidth) The Tektronix 468 Oscilloscope is a portable digital storage oscilloscope with a four-trace, dc-100 MHz, vertical deflection system. The 468 combines an easy to use storage function with cursor measurement of time and voltage. Measurement... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) Form Factor† BenchtopBandwidth† 100 MHzNumber of Channels† 2 chSimultaneous Channels† 2 chSimultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch† 20 MSa/sOne ch. only max. sampling rate† 20 MSa/sMax. Single Shot bandwidth† 2 MHzMax. Record Length† 4000... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) The Agilent 54600B 2 Channel 100 MHz Oscilloscope is ideal for production test, field service and education, where you need solid, dependable scopes at a low price. In fact, with prices this low, you can afford to equip your entire staff... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) 100 MHzPatented high-definition display with superior horizontal resolution4 MB of MegaZoom deep memory mapped to 32 levels of intensity, 25 million vectors/secPowerful, flexible triggering including I_C, SPI, LIN, CAN and USBStandard... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) The Agilent 54645A 2-Channel 100-MHz deep memory and megazoom oscilloscope, 2ns/div sweep speed and 200 MSa/s acquisition, coupled with its unique high-speed display, gives you the view of your critical digital control signals needed to... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) Agilent 54645D 100 MHz 200 MSa/s Mixed-Signal oscilloscope The Agilent 54645D 100-MHz 200-MSa/s Mixed Signal Oscilloscope seamlessly integrates logic channels into an oscilloscope to offer new measurement capability for designers of combined... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) Bandwidth 100 MHz Acquisition rate Real-time 100 MS/s Acquisition rate Equivalent 10 GS/s Input coupling AC,DC,GND Input impedance 1MOhm Max input voltage 400V Digitizers 8-bit resolution Vertical resolution 2mV/div - 5V/div 16K/ch memory... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) Previously known as D7510C 4K record length for each channel FFT function and Pass/Fail High resolution 320 x 240 Pixel 256 Color VGA LCD display Optional extension module for RS232 and GPIB interfaces with ultra zoom software 20... |

100.0MHz (Bandwidth) Previously known as D7510M 4K record length for each channel FFT function and Pass/Fail High resolution 320 x 240 Pixel Monochrome LCD display Optional extension module for RS232 and GPIB interfaces with ultra zoom software 20... |

Displaying 1 to 10 (of 50 products)
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