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MS2661C - Anritsu Spectrum Analyzers

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MS2661C - Anritsu Spectrum Analyzers

3.00GHz (High end frequency limit)

The MS2661C Portable Spectrum Analyzer is for signal analysis of radio and other equipment related to improving frequency usage efficiency, higher modulation, and digitalization. This is a synthesized spectrum analyzer covering a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. It has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and is easy to operate. It has a Measure function for evaluation of radio equipment (frequency counter, C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, burst average power, and template decision function), and which enables the two-screen display and FM demodulation waveform display. The large selection of options means that a wider range of applications can be handled at reasonable cost.

  • Frequency counter
  • C/N
  • Adjacent channel power
  • Occupied frequency bandwidth
  • Burst average power
  • Noise power
  • PASS/FAIL limit lines

High end frequency limit

Resolution Bandwidth Max.

Resolution Bandwidth Min.

Amplitude Range
DANL to +30 dBm

More Details
Spectrum Analyzer 9 kHz to 3 GHz

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