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N4903A-G13 - Keysight / Agilent / HP Pattern Generators

N4903A-G13 - Keysight / Agilent / HP Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The new Agilent J-BERT N4903A 7 Gb/s and 12.5 Gb/s pattern generator options are cost-efficient digital stimuli, enabling quick and accurate characterization and compliance test of high-speed serial interfaces. Design and test engineers...

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MP1758A - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1758A - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1758A has a 4 channel data output and a 2 channel clock output. It can generate two patterns: programmable and pseudo-random. The programmable pattern can be up to 128 K bit long for each channel. In addition, seven pseudo-random...

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MP1763C - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1763C - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1763C is used in combination with the MP1764C or MP1764D Error Detector for 12.5G BER testing. The amplitude of the clock and data signals can be varied from 0.25 to 2 Vp-p while the offset can be adjusted to within ±2 V so that...

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MP1775A - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1775A - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1775A is a Pulse Pattern Generator with 4-channels of parallel data output lines. Each channel has the capability of generating a maximum of 12.5 Gb/s signal and simultaneous BER testing and analysis up to 4-channels is possible...

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MP1800A-014 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1800A-014 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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MP1800A-015 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1800A-015 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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MP1800A-016 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1800A-016 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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MP1810A-014 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1810A-014 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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MP1810A-015 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MP1810A-015 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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MU181020A-001 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

MU181020A-001 - Anritsu Pattern Generators

12.50Gbps (Max. Data Rate)
The MP1800 Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA) is a measuring instrument that provides bit error rate and quality analysis for digital signals from 100 Mbit/s up to 12.5 Gbit/s. The modular design of the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)...

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